Vegan Black Bean and Kidney Bean Burger Recipe

June 24, 2016 § 2 Comments


Black/Kidney Bean and Beets Burger Recipe
Note: This is a very forgiving recipe. Add spices and vegetables that you have on hand.
This recipe makes about 9-12 burger patties. You can freeze any leftovers.


1 Can of Black Beans, drained
1 Can of Kidney Beans, drained
3 Small Beets, peeled and roughly chopped
2 Cups of Rolled Oats
1 Garlic Scape, roughly chopped
1 Large Scallion, roughly chopped
3 Tbsp Ketchup
2 Tbsp Mustard
1/2 Tbsp Onion Powder
1/2 Tbsp Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp Chili Powder
1 Tsp Salt
1/2 Tsp Pepper


  1. Pulse in a processor 1/2 the black beans, all of the kidney beans, 1 cup of rolled oats, beets, garlic scape, scallion, ketchup, mustard and seasoning – pulse until it like a paste.
  2. Pour paste mixture into a bowl, fold in the remaining black beans and rolled oats (this gives the burger texture).
  3. Form into desired sized patties, bake on a parchment-lined cookie sheet in a 450º oven for 12 minutes. After 12 minutes, turn each patty over to bake 10 more minutes.

Source: adapted from Happy Herbivore

Watch a 12 year old make her version of Black Bean Burgers

Ways To Learn To Draw

July 17, 2013 § Leave a comment

“Visual observation is believed to be in the domain of the right side of the brain. Intuitive and creative thinking are also believed to be in the domain of the right brain.  The left brain deals with the rational, the alphabet, numerals, and so on.  Left brain thinking is linear – one thing after another. The right brain processes everything at once.” – Marvin Bartel, ED. D., Goshen College

Dr. Bartel explains that one learns to draw by observation. Observation includes learning: how to see edges, how to see cross contour, how to see sizes – angles – proportions, how to see shading, how to see negative spaces – negative shapes, how to see holistically & draw expressively, how to see color, and how to see patterns and textures.

The work of Dr. Betty Edwards, author of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, has enabled millions of people around the world to learn to draw. Their website will introduce you to her teaching technique, a little of the theory behind it, and to an exercise that demonstrates its effectiveness.

Anthony SharkMy eight year old grandson loves to draw. He is energetic and loves to move…but, when he draws he sits still. He focuses. He has a goal – an objective – to draw something well. I usually google a subject that he wants to learn to draw, then I find “drawing” versions of them so he can copy them. He pays attention to shape and form and tries to draw it himself, as in this shark he chose to draw.

Anthony's SnakeI also love when he adds his own spin on the drawing, such as this snake drawing he did. He loves to color!

I have found some websites that we use, also, to build his drawing-ability-confidence. I am sharing them with you!

Draw Right

Draw Right has an impressive gallery of before and after results of learning to draw.

Arts4Learners helps learners of all ages (kids to adults alike) to learn drawing, cartooning, painting, portraits etc.

Learn to Draw

Learn the basics of drawing online for free. On Learn To Draw, learn at your own pace, learn the basics of drawing whenever you want to learn. The lessons are presented clearly in a step-by-step manner by a professional artist and illustrator.

More Advanced Learning Required?

Videos can be a great way to learn to draw. You can see from start to finish something being drawn. You can pause and try it yourself…without feeling like you are interrupting the teacher! Try some of these resources.

Useful Tools Found on the Web

July 2, 2013 § Leave a comment

If you are in need of some useful tools that you can use to be more efficient or creative, then this list is for you. These useful tool, that can be found on the web, you will love.

Time Zone Converter

worldtimebuddy: If you have business connections or clients beyond your timezone, this is a useful FREE tool. World Time Buddy (WTB) is a cross between a time zone converter, a world clock converter, and an online meeting scheduler.


On This Day

onthisday: A learning blog of the NY Times let’s you browse important events in history by clicking on a date. There you can see front page/articles that were featured in the New York Times.  They also include a list of other noteworthy events that occurred on that day.

thisdayinmusic: On this day in music, provides information on musicians who where born on this day, like recordings, gigs, deaths, chart positions and significant events on this day. This website highlights many years-worth for one day … history timeline in music for ONE day … so cool … including who was born this day! Who can resist learning something new? The History Channel has something for each day in history … including a video for all those non-readers. On this website you can discover what happened today in history. Read about major past events that happened today including special entries on crime, entertainment, and more.


How to Clean Your Keurig

December 10, 2012 § Leave a comment

Dighton Design, A Boston area Graphic Designer, teaches how to Clean a Keurig with VinegarTo create and design requires coffee…well, for me anyway.  I love my Keurig and want to keep it around a while. I learned how to clean it properly and thought you’d like to know, too.

How to Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker

This is an explanation of the cleaning process of the Keurig Coffee K-cup Brewing Machine, to help preserve the life of your Keurig machine. This is how to clean it properly:

  1. Fill the water reservoir tank with white distilled vinegar.
  2. Turn the coffee maker on.
  3. Run the brewing process without any K Cups in the coffee maker.
  4. Run it until the water goes down and the blue light starts flashing to indicate low water.
  5. Don’t add any more vinegar.
  6. Let the vinegar residue sit in the coffee maker for 4 hours.
  7. After the 4th hour, rinse out the water reservoir completely.
  8. Fill the water reservoir with clean water.
  9. Run the brewing process without any K Cups twice through the machine.
  10. Fill the water reservoir again with clean water.
  11. You are ready to brew your delicious coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.

If your water is “hard” you need to clean your machine probably once a month. It can’t hurt the machine, but only help it. If you take care of your Keurig Coffee maker, and clean it properly & regularly, it should last you a very long time.

This Boston area graphic designer says, “Keep that coffee flowing!”


Thank you to a Yahoo contributor for sharing the steps needed to keep our Keurigs clean. Read the full article on How to Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker here:

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